The Real Dream Cabaret's long awaited Outlaw Show is rounding the clubhouse turn and entering the homestretch, and I for one am thrilled. It has been (as nearly all Cabaret projects are) varying degrees of fun, stress, challenge, growth, creativity, satisfaction, fear and physical exhaustion. But, as they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and physical exhaustion is yelling the loudest at the moment. Still, the show is an accomplishment, especially considering the fairly large obstacles that appeared - seemingly out of nowhere - at the last minute. We got through it and the show is something we can all be proud of (three stars out of four from the Buffalo News, in case you were wondering). We've had some publicity - posters, postcards, a beautiful write up in Gusto and a story in Buffalo Spree. It's always funny when people tell me they saw my photo in Spree because I can tell they really mean "I can't believe you get up on a stage and say things in front of people because you're such an awkward, inarticulate mess every time I've ever seen you try to speak." I resist the temptation to tell them that for $20 ($15 student) they could find out I'm just as awkward and inarticulate on stage as I am in real life.
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